American Idols!!! 4
Pocho 'The Panther'
From canillita to champion it is the metaphor that better defines the race of Pocho the Panther. Several times it enjoyed the success and the uncontrol, other so many bit the canvas and it was shown to the abyss. Of profession cuartetero, Pocho is a machine to count fabulous histories, always ready to return to begin. The bad tongs say that his name is Ernesto Gauna, but nobody believes it too much. Cordoban by adoption, in last December fulfilled twenty years of trajectory like Pocho the Panther, but he has been three decades like singer at least. “I was Always an innovator, a point of the spear, a transgressor - it comments of entrance. I sang tangos, zambas, folclore, did rocanrol. Now I am going to do music hall in one bailanta, and chose San Martin because as town gave bread me, ceiling and came. Average mystic after a rare approach to Jesus who took it to study theology to Australia but that he does not prevent him to enjoy the life; enemy of another heavy weight of cumbia whose name prefers to avoid (although later it forgets and it names it in each short while), Pocho is an incomparable, popular personage in the total sense of the expression, charismatic and a fascinating narrator of its own fates. I was born by chance in Capital means, I grew up just a little bit in each part of Argentina because to my old one they transferred it, but belong to Cordoba, I I feel like Cordoban. In Cordoba I also passed most unfortunate the moments happiest and: there my papa died, I gained my first festival of folkloric song, I had my there first fiancèes, my first fights, my first friends of the childhood”. With a masterful, admiring father of Walt Whitman, and a dancing mother and speaker of radio, the childhood of Pocho was marked by music from the beginning: “Or to the four or five years my old one made me sing in the celebrations of the school. I did not have time to think, I learned because my old one taught to touch the guitar to me. By house they walked Atahualpa Yupanqui, Eduardo Falú, Daisy Palaces, my old one she was dancer of elenco of the Chúcaro, was actress, much comedy, for that reason I it took very I enter in the heart the comedian.
From canillita to champion it is the metaphor that better defines the race of Pocho the Panther. Several times it enjoyed the success and the uncontrol, other so many bit the canvas and it was shown to the abyss. Of profession cuartetero, Pocho is a machine to count fabulous histories, always ready to return to begin. The bad tongs say that his name is Ernesto Gauna, but nobody believes it too much. Cordoban by adoption, in last December fulfilled twenty years of trajectory like Pocho the Panther, but he has been three decades like singer at least. “I was Always an innovator, a point of the spear, a transgressor - it comments of entrance. I sang tangos, zambas, folclore, did rocanrol. Now I am going to do music hall in one bailanta, and chose San Martin because as town gave bread me, ceiling and came. Average mystic after a rare approach to Jesus who took it to study theology to Australia but that he does not prevent him to enjoy the life; enemy of another heavy weight of cumbia whose name prefers to avoid (although later it forgets and it names it in each short while), Pocho is an incomparable, popular personage in the total sense of the expression, charismatic and a fascinating narrator of its own fates. I was born by chance in Capital means, I grew up just a little bit in each part of Argentina because to my old one they transferred it, but belong to Cordoba, I I feel like Cordoban. In Cordoba I also passed most unfortunate the moments happiest and: there my papa died, I gained my first festival of folkloric song, I had my there first fiancèes, my first fights, my first friends of the childhood”. With a masterful, admiring father of Walt Whitman, and a dancing mother and speaker of radio, the childhood of Pocho was marked by music from the beginning: “Or to the four or five years my old one made me sing in the celebrations of the school. I did not have time to think, I learned because my old one taught to touch the guitar to me. By house they walked Atahualpa Yupanqui, Eduardo Falú, Daisy Palaces, my old one she was dancer of elenco of the Chúcaro, was actress, much comedy, for that reason I it took very I enter in the heart the comedian.
Mi trabajo requiere que yo visite muchos sitios de diverso orden. Y cuando el Presidente de la Real Academia de Ciencias Inútiles y Afines, Sir John Richard Alexander David Carradine Süller nos recomendó a mí y a Pinocho, que eramos los dos unicos presentes en aquella reunión, que revisaramos cierta información sobre los injustamente poco conocidos a nivel internacional "American Idols", grande fue mi sorpresa al ver entre la lista a su blog. Es así que se ha convertido, para mí y para Pinocho, obviamente, en fuente de material imprescindible, tan imprescindible como los comentarios de Macaya.
No lo demoro más. Espero que nos reunamos pronto a tratar temas de índole diversa. Adiós.
el señor pocho the panter ha marcado mi vida de manera extraña, de la misma manera que el señor wonder y otros aqui citados ( y no citados, como Gladys, the tucuman bomb)ya que en mi adolescencia fui moldeando partes de mi anatomía al son de sus canciones, y mi intelecto con sus poesías musicales.Gracias por este hermosos recuerdo
Un momento, a no desesperar!! que ésta colección no ha finalizado aún. Habrá en breve mas entregas.
Buscalas en tu kiosco.
Q te recontra....:P
Jejeje.q haces pablitoooo!!!
No tengo ni idea de q es esto, o como funciona...8-)
Pero bueh..aca toi firmando...jejeje re "lees"..pobre de vos, no te dejo nunca laburar trankilo..siempre aguantando mis lios..o tratando q entienda algo de esta vida..gracias x eso!!!
Y no me dejes plantada como recien, si te hablo contestameeeeeee :@ me gustan q no me hablen, asi como yo hablo, no digo q me hablen lo mismo...pero un 30% no vendria mal, no?? =D
Bueno..te dejo q se kema la tarta de jamon i keso..i me muero de hambreeeee.....=C
Besooo..cuidateee...estamos hablando...
/*___*___La Beba Tripera___*___*/
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