No quería dejar pasar este día sin recordar a una mas de nuestras especies autóctonas amenazadas por el avance del hombre. El pájaro semblée, o pájaro trucho dulce, habitante de la provincia de Perón. Alimentado básicamente de panes de centeno.
Sus costumbres lo hacen migrar buscando las estaciones cálidas volando de Sur a Norte, y cuando quiere regresar, lo hace de Norte a Sur.
Aquí, una de las pocas imágenes de ésta especie.
Copyright A.C.
American Idols!!! 4
Pocho 'The Panther'
From canillita to champion it is the metaphor that better defines the race of Pocho the Panther. Several times it enjoyed the success and the uncontrol, other so many bit the canvas and it was shown to the abyss. Of profession cuartetero, Pocho is a machine to count fabulous histories, always ready to return to begin. The bad tongs say that his name is Ernesto Gauna, but nobody believes it too much. Cordoban by adoption, in last December fulfilled twenty years of trajectory like Pocho the Panther, but he has been three decades like singer at least. “I was Always an innovator, a point of the spear, a transgressor - it comments of entrance. I sang tangos, zambas, folclore, did rocanrol. Now I am going to do music hall in one bailanta, and chose San Martin because as town gave bread me, ceiling and came. Average mystic after a rare approach to Jesus who took it to study theology to Australia but that he does not prevent him to enjoy the life; enemy of another heavy weight of cumbia whose name prefers to avoid (although later it forgets and it names it in each short while), Pocho is an incomparable, popular personage in the total sense of the expression, charismatic and a fascinating narrator of its own fates. I was born by chance in Capital means, I grew up just a little bit in each part of Argentina because to my old one they transferred it, but belong to Cordoba, I I feel like Cordoban. In Cordoba I also passed most unfortunate the moments happiest and: there my papa died, I gained my first festival of folkloric song, I had my there first fiancèes, my first fights, my first friends of the childhood”. With a masterful, admiring father of Walt Whitman, and a dancing mother and speaker of radio, the childhood of Pocho was marked by music from the beginning: “Or to the four or five years my old one made me sing in the celebrations of the school. I did not have time to think, I learned because my old one taught to touch the guitar to me. By house they walked Atahualpa Yupanqui, Eduardo Falú, Daisy Palaces, my old one she was dancer of elenco of the Chúcaro, was actress, much comedy, for that reason I it took very I enter in the heart the comedian.
American Idols!!! 3
Richard Wonder
Luis Ricardo Aguirre, was born in Jumps in 1955, guitar player, malambo dancer and singer in the choir like few in his school. Nevertheless it dreamed whereupon sometimes its name extended the borders of its beloved Jumps, and he obtained it. It attended the secondary studies and while he was concentrated in books from time to time clarified with some songs. In the third year of electronic engineering he left the career to dedicate itself totally to music. "Tropical Wonder" was the name of his band, that impelled it like leader of he himself. With time he came off himself the group and their friends began to call it Ricky Maravilla. Precursor of the music of bailanta in Buenos Aires, excelled mainly during years 90. Between its hits they stand out: "What will have short man?", "Watch out for the bomb chita" and "The dance of the king" dedicated to Diego Maradona.
American Idols!!! 2
Michael 'Bunny' Alexander
Beginning in this profession like singer of a local group called FOREIGN LEGION at the end of year 1976 when tapeworm only 18 years and went then that started to make reality the dream of all its life, the one to belong although of modest form to the magical world of music, with many illusions and limited resources volume the firm decision of never leaving this way. It spent the time. Year 1984 ran and the pop music of Cordoba already had been transformed into a movement that was gaining more and more market to a great extent of the country, and the insertion of new young interpreters could have good possibilities. A day he received the proposal of Mr. Omar Ten, (person dedicated to the organization of popular dances in River Fourth and zone), to record demo with possibility that in the future one became a concrete edition of his first album. Step almost a year so that that was published first recording that was in charge of the well-known composer and producer KELO SANCHEZ. In the following years, while it crossed different localities and provinces of the center of the country were published two discs more than they went helping the professional growth. In 1989 through a production that counted on eight subjects of my responsibility and two covers I could enter of the hand of the MAGENTA seal the coveted market of Federal Capital and Great Buenos Aires. Once installed there he started an incessant route by different means and important programs with national arrival that they allowed him definitively to gain a place of preference between an extensive list of popular singers. Place that occurred the possibility him of gaining its first golden record. Soon those would come from platinum, double platinum and until the unattainable triple platinum disc. It was at that time that was reforming and transforming the band that accompanied it, into a musical and humanly solid group, of which one feels proud. Already in February of 1999, with thirteen published discs, and more than 22 years of profession, felt the desire to change of life, of trips, hotels and scenes by calmer and convinced that all their yearnings as singing completely were satisfied, I communicate to him to the authorities of the seal for which I record his I complete work that retired.
American Idols!!!
Ellery Rech (A.K.A John 'Heart' Raymond)
Born in Campana City, started working as a DJ in 1961, recording various LPs with the Horacio Malvicino Orchestra. Performer mostly of spanish versions of european and american songs and composer too.
The success gained between 1963 and 1965 gave him the nickname of 'Heart'. After his job in RCA, he achieved a lot of fame in Panama, where he lived for several years. The same thing happened with Colombia and, finnally, Peru.
On a visit trip to his country, Argentina, in the middle 80's, he had a lot of job offers, wich made him stay there performing a set of several rithms in his shows. He is still in activity, combining the musical shows with politics activism in the Justicialist Party in his city of birth.